External Linking


Discovery Sites are linked to Pleiades using the Open Annotation data model according to the Pelagios Cookbook.

Example Query - InformationCarrier

-> 3 Random Pleiades Annotations

PREFIX oa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>

SELECT DISTINCT ?body ?target ?targetLabel WHERE {
?node oa:hasBody ?body.
?node oa:hasTarget ?target.
?target rdfs:label ?targetLabel.


body target targetLabel
pleiades:109338 samian:loc_ds_1002582 “Sinzig”@en
pleiades:109468 samian:loc_ds_1003961 “Haute-Yutz”@en
pleiades:118986 samian:loc_ds_1002381 “Burghöfe”@en


Place data (discovery sites, kiln regions and production centres) are integrated into Wikidata using OpenRefine and Quick Statements. The mapping schemes in Open Refine can be seen at ds_schema.json, kr_schema.json and pc_schema.json.

For each category we created a specific identifier in Wikidata Samian Ware Discovery Site, Samian Ware Productioncentre and Samian Ware Kilnregion. All entries are instances (P31) of a category and part of (P361) Samian Research. In Wikidata we used the exact match (P2888) property to link to the Linked Open Samian Ware resource. In the Samian LOD dataset we used our lado:exactMatch property to create a bidirectional link.

-> 3 Random Wikidata matches

PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX lado: <http://archaeology.link/ontology#>

SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?nodeLabel ?wikidata WHERE {
?node lado:exactMatch ?wikidata.
?node rdfs:label ?nodeLabel.


node nodeLabel wikidata
samian:loc_ds_1000003 “Baumes-de-Venise”@en wikidata:Q103145968
samian:loc_ds_1000004 “Brigstock”@en wikidata:Q103155047
samian:loc_ds_1000005 “Highworth”@en wikidata:Q103163787

Via the Wikidata SPARQL Query interface we may query our matching resources:

Map of geospatial data which matches between Linked Open Samian Ware and Wikidata.

Map of Wikidata kilnregions as geoshape.